SEO Best Practices

SEO, or search engine optimization is intended to increase the way users and search engines interact with your website.

The techniques described in this section will maximize the crawlability, indexation and readability of the content on your website.

Not every SEO effort requires a massive overhaul. Oftentimes it means making incrementalmchanges to different parts of the website at different times. Each change is implemented to achieve a specific purpose and, combined, will have a significant impact on the overall optimization of your website. These changes ensure that your visitors have an improved user experience and your visibility in organic search results increases.

While the words ‘search engine’ are a primary part of defining SEO, the most important aspect of any marketing campaign is to make sure visitors are happy with what they see when they get to your site. Focusing only on keywords and ranking techniques without addressing the content and the site usability will be detrimental to your long term goals.

Search engines may help users find your site, particularly if it is ranked high. A site with good content not employing SEO may find itself ranked lower than it should be. However, a great ranking needs to be backed up by great content. Getting users to visit your site isn’t enough, they also have to enjoy their stay and come back for more.

Please take a look at our SEO guide to discover what we consider best practices. We would love to hear how these tips and tricks have helped you improve the quality of your site.

We will be discussing the following SEO techniques in the section. Make sure to get back to us with your feedback.