
While Google is a popular search engine, our clients have learned to make great use of the additional tools it offers.

Each marketing tool listed below is free to use and can provide detailed insight into how your current strategy is working. Utilizing these tools correctly will lead to improved conversion rates and rankings.

Google Search Console

Helps you analyze the overall effectiveness of your site by showing you your position in search engines and detailing how users found your site, as well as pinpointing the relevant keywords that were searched.

Google Analytics

Links to your Google Search Console account and adds additional analysis tools such as Geolocation. It can also show you how much time a user spends viewing different pages on your website.

Google AdWords

Keyword Planner focuses on high frequency terms related to your field and tracks emerging trends. This insight can help you change the subject material and relevant keywords, if needed, which will effectively drive more traffic to your site. Google Trends works in conjunction with the Keyword Planner, which provides you information about trending terms for certain subjects. Using graphs, you can track how often these terms have been used and how that frequency has fluctuated.

Google Calendar

Is essential for keeping your scheduling organized and efficient. While it is a great tool to use for your own individual plan, it also benefits team scheduling and can be shared with other members of your group so everyone will be on the same page. Used in conjunction with Google Drive, a cloud storage system, you can easily share files, communicate in real time on documents in the drive, and access it from anywhere with an internet connection.

G+ for Business

Is a great tool for helping boost your company’s image on social media. Coupled with Google Alerts, these tools allow businesses to see how they are being perceived online. When using Google Alerts, you will be able to see how often yours and your competitors’ businesses are mentioned online, or how often your targeted keywords pop up. You can use these tools to track the efficacy of your articles, services, press releases, and other elements of your marketing campaign to determine if they are being received positively by the right people.


A popular video sharing service, is also a tool provided by Google. If your business would benefit from marketing videos, online seminars, or other presentation materials that work well in a video format, YouTube can provide a seamless and effective platform for sharing your video creations. When you add detailed and authoritative backlinks from your video to your website, your page rank will increase.

Used in conjunction, all of these tools can provide a comprehensive approach to online marketing strategies. Google provides each one of these tools free of charge, and it is up to you to maximize the benefits they can provide to your company by utilizing them properly.